BLOG casalingo -non commerciale- di LAVORI MANUALI

Per avere uno spazio dove condividere immagini e discorsi di lana, cotone, colori e quant'altro capiti a portata di mano per creare oggetti unici, speciali e irripetibili come lo siamo ciascuno di noi. Spero che scorrendo i post Si /Ti diverta e Le/Ti venga voglia di fare con le Sue/Tue mani... qualcosa di bello per un domani, perché no? aprire un blog tutto Suo/ Tuo... mi raccomando vorrei saperlo per visitarlo non appena possibile... per questo e per qualsiasi altra questione, domanda o inquietudine mio recapito è Buona navigazione e Buon Divertimento ! ! !

BLOG casalingo -non commerciale- di LAVORI MANUALI

lunedì 17 febbraio 2020

KNITTING - Knitting for activists and for good will people

Dear friends of the English speaking world,
Today I wish I could share with you an invitation that I have received; 

It is a call to partecipate in the anti-bullying campaign called Hat not Hate.  The meeting is called : : : 

"The Blue Retreat" and will be held next May 15th -17th, 2020 in
Kent, CT  USA; 

My invitation arrived through the Lion Brand Newsletter. Lion Brand is a Registered Trade Mark. You will find more info at

I am not an activist even though common sense makes me think that it is a laudable initiative, in fact I believe that in some cases abstention is conniving with evil and in these way it  moves us on the wrong side of the barricades.

I will not be able to participate for reasons of economic and time availability, however, since it is reasonable not to put limits on the category of possibilities, we cannot exclude that someone  of you may have the means and moments to participate. 

Here I have copied and pasted a brief description 

About Hat Not Hate
Hat Not Hate, as the name suggests, provides a positive symbol of the growing community of students and adults standing up to bullying: handmade blue hats.

Our blue army of advocates, activists, knitters and crocheters have donated more than 26,000 handmade hats over the past two years.

At our retreat, you’ll have the opportunity to make and donate your very own blue hat to contribute towards our 2020 goal of distributing 100,000 hats to school-age students across the country during National Bullying Prevention Month this October.
Hat Not Hate 140 Kero Road Carlstadt NJ 07072

(end of the copy and paste)

And here you can find a link to knit an anti - bullying hat, just in case you would like to promote the initiative in your own country outside the USA

 Happy knitting, bye bye

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