BLOG casalingo -non commerciale- di LAVORI MANUALI

Per avere uno spazio dove condividere immagini e discorsi di lana, cotone, colori e quant'altro capiti a portata di mano per creare oggetti unici, speciali e irripetibili come lo siamo ciascuno di noi. Spero che scorrendo i post Si /Ti diverta e Le/Ti venga voglia di fare con le Sue/Tue mani... qualcosa di bello per un domani, perché no? aprire un blog tutto Suo/ Tuo... mi raccomando vorrei saperlo per visitarlo non appena possibile... per questo e per qualsiasi altra questione, domanda o inquietudine mio recapito è Buona navigazione e Buon Divertimento ! ! !

BLOG casalingo -non commerciale- di LAVORI MANUALI

mercoledì 14 agosto 2019

KNITTING - Lace Rib UNO ("I am a KNITTING MATE" with short Italian introduction)

Carissimi e carissime, chiedo pazienza al mondo italofono per questa volta pubblicare un post dedicato al mondo che parla inglese.  Per caso, navigando nella pagina Facebook di Knitting Patterns Galore, mi sono imbattuta in una domanda di Sumera Anjum, su come eseguire uno schema a coste con trafori e umilmente, visto il grado di semplicità moderata del lavoro, ho risposto e mi  sono offerta di fare il campione, è quanto vedete giù... buon proseguimento d'estate

Dear friends (knitting friends and all kind of good will possible visitors) let me introduce myself to you:  I am an argentinian wife and mother with a labour past as teacer of foreing languages and as well interpreter and translator.  Please forgive me if my English is not quite fresh, just because since 2005 I gave up 90% of then languages activities to help my husband José in his newstand in Varese, Italy, the lovely country where we have been living since 1989.

I am a busy knitter in love with wool, cotton and all kind of yarns, this passion lead me to became a KNITTING MATE, this means I can give a hand or stand by anyone desiring to practise  or improve his or her knitting skills.

Yesterday, while visiting the FB account "Knitting Patterns Galore" I found a question from Sumera Anjum, dated last June 18th, today I am happy to share with you the small swatch I could produce, along with the written directions to get it.
I understand that the timing of non commercial sites just as this blog and my contributions may mean very much patience since anyone could contact me back, but I will happily remain awaiting to hear from you.

First picture: the original question on  Facebook

next picture: yesterday's answer with written directions to get the Lace Rib

next picture: italian directions for my swatch  
(where I have repeated 3 times the 14 stitches sequence *p7 - k7* )

That's all for now, I've got another picture with a big piece of the opened ribs but at the moment cannot release it with the current hardware I can access... I hope to edit it in a couple of weeks..

Thank you for visiting my blog, hope to hear from you soon...  yours knittly, claudia carolina